Hi, I'm Nathan De Flavis!

I'm a full-stack developer. I did web development for several companies and Salesforce development for an information management software provider. I graduated from University of London with a First Class Honours degree in Computing and Information Systems. I seek a software development role.



0 - 1 years experience


0 - 1 years experience


1+ years experience (non-commercial)


0 - 1 years experience (non-commercial)


0 - 1 years experience (non-commercial)


0 - 1 years experience


Expat College Consulting

  • Built and maintained WordPress website for family member's college counselling business.

Click Start

  • Built website with 3 pages: homepage introducing self and experience on the Click Start programme, links to online profiles and portfolio of work done as part of programme.

Logic Error Tool

  • Built Java software tool to detect and correct logic errors in models of computer programs, following Agile evolutionary prototyping.


Nathan has a strong technical ability, something which was recognised when they won an award for scoring top marks worldwide in Java exams at University of London.
As a lateral thinker with a keen eye for detail, Nathan see solutions to challenges, such as when they helped Alfresco Software overcome a longstanding obstacle to deploying code.
Nathan can be trusted to get the job done, like when they worked with SMASH Youth Project entirely remotely on a WordPress website, which launched on schedule despite technical blips.
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